
The best University in US

harvard law school


鍾意 harvard 收得多學生


http://www.cooley.edu/newsevents ... ginglawschools.html

"Harvard Law School made it six consecutive years atop the ranking of the nation’s law schools, according to the 10th edition of the nationally known publication, Judging the Law Schools.
The ranking in Judging the Law Schools is based solely upon the ABA’s basic information
the 32 factors used in the rankings, such as enrollment numbers, tuition, library data, the number of applicants, LSAT scores, and minority enrollment.
This year’s Top 20 (with last year’s ranking in parentheses) were:

1. Harvard University (1)
2. Georgetown University (2)
3. New York University (6)
4. University of Virginia (4)
5. University of Texas (3)
6. University of Michigan (9)
7. Northwestern University (5)
8. Columbia University (7)
9. Yale Law School (8)
10. George Washington University (11)
11. University of Minnesota (9)
12. Thomas M. Cooley Law School (16)
13. Fordham University (15)
14. University of California-Los Angeles (13)
15. American University (14)
16. University of Pennsylvania (12)
17. University of California-Hastings (18)
18. Stanford University (19)
19. University of Maryland (29)
20. University of California-Berkeley (17)
... "


勁就勁在 faculty size 唔大, 但係收咁多都係 o係 USNews o個面 rank 2...

係呀, o個間school會send信叫人去報... 不過見佢話到只係用 ABA facts 去 rank...

