

"其實男同女都一樣既.. 當一方面不斷進步的時候.. 另一方不努力..意見是很容易有分歧的我也是過來人.. 現在只能說.., 好好努力..,証明給她看..你能活得更精彩吧.."

Agree. ex-GF becames more and more successful, (although I am as good as her in terms of status and money, she just think that she can do the same), I ran out of things that she could admire anymore. Ended up she started picking all the smaller stuffs like my habits plus other excuses. Also saying that our relationship is becoming more like friendship than romance. That is the things that I do not understand. For many married couples, they are all having relationship like friends and companians, romance may not be the necessary thing anymore, does that mean that they all need to divorce?

Hope she understands that in the future when she has another partner, eventually after a few years, the guy will end up like the current me. Goodluck to her anyway.

