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標題: 美國大學選major一問 [打印本頁]

作者: 好眼訓    時間: 2009-2-8 13:26     標題: 美國大學選major一問

仲未選major, 覺得有d迷茫

自問都幾鍾意讀書, 會考27分
冇咩特別career goal

e.g. 人類學,社會學, 哲學, econ 等
但係有d擔心搵唔到野做, 同埋自己三分鐘熱度

有幾個問題, 希望大家可以比下意見
1. 其實一般香港既僱主有幾重視"名校畢業"呢? "名校畢業"係咪真係搵多好多?
2. 讀咩major其實對搵工同預期收入有幾重要?
3. 讀double major and/or honor 畢業會唔會吃香d? (以我既case, 讀dbl major (in B.A.) 唔使點多讀credit)

應該都唔會transfer 去邊到
(而家呢間u 收我in-state fee, 一年唔使$7000USD)

作者: 好眼訓    時間: 2009-2-9 13:24

thanks for answering

but do a business degree (like accounting, finance) generally helps getting a higher paying job or promotion? (just my impression, not sure)
I can choose to major in business, I think I can handle the work but I'm sure I'll be interested.

another question: do GPA matters to employers at all? How would you compare a graduate from a crappy school with 4.0 GPA and a graduate from a top school with crappy GPA?

作者: 無名小子    時間: 2009-2-9 13:38

點解間U會比你交in-state tuition?
作者: prettyMm    時間: 2009-2-10 16:43

BA = bachelor of art
BS = bachelor of science

BS is harder, some majors offer degree in bs or ba, but some dont, like economics, there is no BS degree

dont major in  economics, cuz you wont find a good job  unless you plan to go to grad school,  esp at this time   ~.~

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