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標題: 以後絕吾會再去大棠TTWSC [打印本頁]

作者: 大蟲    時間: 2009-3-1 18:38     標題: 以後絕吾會再去大棠TTWSC

呢個場都去過幾次, 一路都無咩, 仲有個大車場打, 另外仲有一個細車場, 幾好的!
點知今日火滾到3:30拉隊走, 簡直貼錢買難受.....我地成班人都決定絕對唔會再去!

我地今日共40人, 上午已經11:30先開始, ok.....甘咪遲d玩lor! 上午玩咗個山上樹林 & 在迷宮後嘅又係山上, 有間帆布嘅屋, 根本呢個場40人點打?? 20人守間屋仔, 攻上去又得一條路, 20人攻到怕怕, 大家都媽聲4起架喇....好...算...13:00反正都食飯! 13:00準時食, 14:30先開始打下午, 點知, 個leader話:"今日唔會有車場打"....去大棠最好玩呢個場, 竟然無得玩?? 甘無大車場, 玩細車場都好啩??? 都係無, 個leader用walkie同個@@"無良場主"對話時, 我地其中一個朋友大叫 : 我地要玩車場! 個無良場主竟然透過對講機大駡, 等我地全部人聽到話 : 我無同你地簽合約有車場打, 我地叫你打邊就打邊, 唔到你地話事!
我地個個當堂火都嚟, 依家要俾錢架, 仲要受你氣?? 不過大家成年人, 都算喇! 點知下午又玩個個咩垃圾崗場, 好多垃圾聖誕樹! 總之全日都係上山, 上山, 上山...行到隻嘢甘先有得玩, 全部都係樹林, 泥地, 一樣設施都無, 如果係甘, 我駛鬼俾錢你賺, 自己搵個爛地打都得啦, 正一貼錢買難受!
另外, 個導師又廢, 仲攞把開咗封嘅軍刀出嚟"空"人, 簡直不知所謂!    $^%$^#@xyz

作者: 炸雞脾    時間: 2009-3-1 19:37

作者: lovebaby    時間: 2009-3-1 20:00

that's y i like play new place
作者: 大蟲    時間: 2009-3-1 20:04

條友成日煽風點火, 有時有d人同對方有少少火氣, 佢唔勸都算, 仲話俾把刀你劈佢喎!
作者: 大蟲    時間: 2009-3-1 20:07

我都鍾意打新場, 有咩好介紹??
作者: suisui123    時間: 2009-3-1 20:21

絶對同意, 呢個場D 導師實在很不專業, 態度馬馬, 場主重寸.  比錢ga, 冇我哋熱愛wargame的人比錢入場,你食屎啦? 大家求開心, 唔駛受你氣ah.   各位朋友, 發起行動,不要去這些沒有水準的場. 香港wargame場多的是, 看他何時摺埋........                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
作者: lovebaby    時間: 2009-3-1 20:24

Um.... WAR ZONE ar
in Fanling ga
just start for around 1 mouth
still expanding their site
作者: Ireland    時間: 2009-3-1 20:32

作者: 大蟲    時間: 2009-3-1 21:05

你有得玩個個場都算好吖, 我地只係不停上山上山上山
作者: alau    時間: 2009-3-1 21:24

最離譜個leader竟然攞支電槍出黎嚇鬼囉 , 仲話唔好當佢流喎 .... 低能架 , 係堅嘅駛鬼又陀刀又陀電搶啫 , 下次我陀把 斧 頭去 ...
作者: 天虹    時間: 2009-3-1 21:49

作者: girl32546    時間: 2009-3-1 22:36

oh pls, stop misleading ppl
ppl, why don't I let you to decide who's right or wrong.

if you are play against a team of ppl that:

1) over at least 5~6 ppl being zombie the whole day ( in one particular game, I've fulled all 4 of my P90 clips to at least 3~4 ppl & still no one called "dead")
2) there are few ppl constantly still shoot at ppl when those "dead" ppl already held the gun up & shout "dead"
3) still shoot at opposite team even the leader called "hold fire"
4) 1 of the kid constantly taken off the mask inside the wargone even leader warned dozen of times, what would you do?
5) the same kid turn on a green laser during the game, yet claimed he didn't. almost all of the opposite team saw that green laser

a) if you are playing against a team of ppl like that, would you be angry?
b) if one side of you team constantly doing what's mentioned above, would you be angry?

now these ppl dare to come up & make it looks like it wasn't their fault at all.

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