
G.E.M. Tang 鄧紫棋 Debut Album《G.E.M.》

G.E.M. Tang 鄧紫棋 Debut Album《G.E.M.》

G.E.M. Tang 鄧紫棋 Debut Album《G.E.M.》

Album Title:《G.E.M.》
Artist:鄧紫棋 G.E.M. Tang
Label:豐華唱片 Forward Music
Release Date:2008-10-15
Language:粵/國語 Cantonese/Mandarin

Album Description:

鄧紫棋 (G.E.M.)
首張 R&B/Pop 風格EP

2008 年香港具實力新人女歌手鄧紫棋,首張個人同名專輯《G.E.M.》收錄了精彩的五首歌曲,游走R&B的風格,再加上她生長於音樂世家的背景,以及她聲音的爆炸力,為香港樂壇帶來耳目一新的音樂作品。率先主打歌為GEM親自填詞,以及雷頌德編曲的主打歌「等一個他」,專輯內還收錄了「等一個他」、「Where Did U Go」、「回憶的沙漏」、「愛現在的我」和「睡公主」。

With over 20 singers debuting in Hong Kong in 2008, G.E.M. Tang has a steep hill to climb, but she's already emerging as one of the year's strongest newcomers. Though only 17 years old, G.E.M. has been exposed to music for many years, as she comes from a family of musicians and started playing piano at a young age. Singing mostly in the R&B style, she has powerful vocals that belie her young age and sweet appearances. Her self-titled debut album comes with five songs, three Cantonese and two Mandarin. As a preview of her songwriting talent, G.E.M. penned the lyrics for her main plug "Waiting For Him", which is arranged by Mark Lui.


01. 等一個他
02. Where Did U Go
03. 回憶的沙漏 (國)
04. 愛現在的我 (國)
05. 睡公主


