
基督徒可唔可以 read erotica and nude art photography, etc ?

基督徒可唔可以 read erotica and nude art photography, etc ?

1) read erotic and nude art photographs ?
2) read sex manuals
3) ask girls to pose nudes for you to draw them


well, my thought is, nude is natral,  many fine art are nude art, i dont think u get sexual exceitment with the fine art nude picture, right?

But in other hand, picture and movie like that lead you to sinfull erotic thought and action, then u should beware.

a pervert can get exceitment even with full dressed woman, a pure mind person like painter see beauty on nude body.

You know which type you are and you handle it with great awareness, you decide what you want to be, that is.


>but nude is exclusive in a couple.

i think "sex" is  exclusive in a couple indeed.

nude and sex is not evil, like nude in art and sex between couple, afterall they are part of God's creation, unless people approah it in wrong way. like  nude for art and medical should concider normal situation of nude.

unless u see all nude equal to porn, that is a bit of over sensitive i think.


是乎你自己用什麼角度去睇, 如果係用藝朮角度去睇的話, 就無問題.


So christian can read erotic/art nude but not pornography, right ? But does it make sense ? Should we be afraid of pornography  and run away from it ?


>So christian can read erotic/art nude but not pornography, right ? But does it make sense ? Should we be afraid of pornography  and run away from it ?

Christianity in my mind, not a totally do-what or ban-what religion, at least there is some freedom of choose in life. so a nude picture can be an artifact, or a porn photo. It is nature by itself, it depands on how you read it.

however preventing temptation from desire which may lead you to wrong doing is a right thing to do for Christian, tempting yourself is dangerous for those with weak will power.

i try to prevent porn movie just like i try to prevent myself from getting angry, both lead me to do something which we see wrong.

