
mac os upgrade - pls help

mac os upgrade - pls help

想請問手頭上有隻mac os x install disc 1 and 2 (disc version 1.0) , 是 bundle purchase, 可否用來 upgrade 9點幾的 old mac? 試過放入去 install 不行, 是否 hardware 問題? 還是要用甚麼 upgrade 碟, 或是甚麼 full version 或 restore 的碟來做 upgrade? 現在有 os 10 - 10.4的 二手os 買的嗎? 不想為 old mac 機而買貴 os

小妹不識 mac, 只想試下 upgrade 舊機玩下, 各位 pro mac 朋友可否指點一下? 謝謝!


how old is your old mac? lisa?

and bundled install disk won't work on any other mac model anyway, so u can give up


thanks for your prompt reply.

what about full version? if i bought a full version of mac os 10.(?) then i could upgrade my old mac? where can i find a mac os x? i don't need a most updated 10.5  as it might be too much for my hardware. and any site of reference for step-to-step upgrade procedure?

thanks again from liza, sheila or whatever. hehe

p.s. my old mac is at least 6-7 yrs old? how can i check the hardware of it? i am an absolute idiot when it comes to mac. sigh

